January 23, 2008
European Jews for a Just Peace will called upon the WHO to insist that Israel lifts its blockade of Gaza.
Gaza and its population are being subjected to the most vindictive and dangerous measures. Ehud Barak has vowed that no food, fuel or medical supplies will cross into Gaza without his authorisation. Barak is the Israeli Defence Minister. There can be no clearer indication that the blockade of Gaza is a military siege.
Dr Paola Canarutto, for the EJJP Executive Committee said “The use of disease as a weapon of war is unconscionable. Lack of power means clean water cannot be pumped, nor sewage treated. The consequences are diseases such as typhoid and cholera – no respecters of political boundaries. Isolating Gaza because of Qassam rockets means that residents of both Sderot and Gaza are victims of a stupid and vicious policy.The WHO and the international community cannot stand by and wait for the first cases of preventable disease to occur.”
EJJP’s call has been supported by Jewish and other organisations and by doctors, nurses and other health professionals around the world. Their names are attached to the open letter to the WHO, sent on January 2, 2008.