EJJP letter to MEPs – for people in the member groups to send

June 10, 2004

Dear [candidate/nominee?] for the European Parliament,

Today I joined other European citizens and voted [you/your party] for the European Parliament. I am a Jewish [dutch/german/italian] citizen and member of the network European Jews For Just Peace (EJJP) who represents hundreds of concerned people working to help achieving just peace in Israel/Palestine from nine countries around the continent.  

Me, and my fellow members of the network urge Europe to play an active role in the solution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. We are against European foreign policy that gives impunity to disregard for international law by the state of Israel. We are particularly concerned with the unabated escalation of the conflict and with Israel’s blatant violations of human rights in the occupied territories.

Israel is in clear breach of article 2 of the EU-Israel Association agreement. We call for full implementation of this agreement including a resolution passed by the European parliament to suspend it so far as Israel does not meet the required commitment to respect human rights.

We call for a necessary, urgent and effective intervention by the European Union. The EU should hold Israel accountable for breaching international law and human rights violations by taking more concrete measures to achieve what previous declarations and denunciations have not managed to achieve so far — moving towards a just and sustainable peace, which requires immediate Israeli withdrawal from the occupied territories.  

I hope that you as my representative for the European Parliament will work to promote these principles of international law and human rights. I urge you to take into account our position in your decisions and responsible actions addressing the dire situation in Israel/Palestine.  


(Your name)


groups website:

EJJP Member organizations :

  • Een Ander Joods Geluid (An Other Jewish Voice) – EAJG (The Netherlands)
  • Union des Progressistes Juifs de Belgique – UPJB (Belgium)
  • Just Peace (United Kingdom)
  • Jews for Justice for Palestinians – JFJFP (United Kingdom)
  • Jewish Socialist Group (United Kingdom)
  • Joint Action for Israeli-Palestinian Peace – JAIPP (United Kingdom)
  • Jüdische Stimme für einen gerechten Frieden in Nahost, Östereich (Austria)
  • Jüdische Stimme für einen gerechten Frieden zwischen Israel und Palästina (Switzerland)
  • Judar för Israelsk-Palestinsk Fred (Jews for Israeli-Palestinian Peace) – JIPF (Sweden)
  • New Outlook (Denmark)
  • Union Juive Francaise pour la Paix – UJFP (France)
  • Collectif Toulousain ‘Pas en mon nom’ (France)
  • Rencontre Progressiste Juive – RPJ (France)
  • Association Montpellieraine pour un Judaisme Humaniste et Laique – AMJHL (France)
  • Rete ‘Ebrei Contro l’Occupazione’ (Network of Jews Against the Occupation) – Rete ECO (Italy)
  • Munich Jews for a Just Peace – MJJP (Germany)
  • Jüdische Stimme für einen gerechten Frieden in Nahost, Deutschland (Germany)